Next-Gen RFIC Simulation Workflows for Data-Intensive Wireless Requirements


Advances in fast, reliable wireless connectivity – with 5G/6G, Wi-Fi, WiGig, and Bluetooth among the choices – have pervasively and permanently shifted expectations. Almost every electronic device designed today has some form of wireless connectivity to deliver the experience consumers and businesses now demand. Wireless technology is also transforming data-intensive systems, such as 5G/6G networks, electric vehicles, and AI-enabled systems with wireless connectivity.


Keysight W5600E RFPro Circuit brings modern, fast, and accurate RF circuit simulation technology natively integrated with Cadence Virtuoso and Synopsys Custom Compiler. It uses proven complex signal generation and analysis algorithms developed jointly with Keysight's RF test instrumentation researchers. 


RFPro Circuit provides Cadence and Synopsys users with three crucial RFIC design capabilities that have been difficult to achieve with other circuit simulation tools:

  • Advanced simulation algorithms developed for Keysight RF instrumentation and Keysight RF EDA software ensure equivalent results between virtual simulations and physical measurements.
  • Fast-envelope techniques, compact test signals, and distortion EVM make simulation run times practical for RFIC designs in data-intensive, high-bandwidth mmWave or sub-THz applications, including 5G/6G, electric vehicles, and AI-enabled systems.
  • Authentic waveforms and VTBs incorporate system context when simulating designs, enabling teams to optimize RFIC designs for their intended system applications sooner and successfully integrate first-pass into physical devices and systems.