
Platinum ecovadis sustainability rating 2022

Keysight Technologies Awarded Platinum Medal as a Recognition of their EcoVadis Sustainability Rating (November 2022)

Keysight Ranked Number One for the ISS QualityScore Social Category

2022 ISS QualityScore Social Rank #1

Keysight continues to hold highest ISS QualityScore for Social

Keysight Ranked Number One for the ISS QualityScore Environmental Category

2022 ISS QualityScore Environmental Rank #1

Keysight receives highest ISS QualityScore for Environment

2021 EcoVadis Sustainability Award

EcoVadis Sustainability Rating 2021

Keysight Technologies Awarded Platinum Medal as a Recognition of their EcoVadis Sustainability Rating

The International Business Awards 2021


Eggplant, a Keysight company
Category: Software Development Solution

2021 IBA Silver

The International Business Awards 2021


Keysight’s N9042B UXA Signal Analyzer
Category: Consumer Electronics

Marie Hattar, Keysight Technologies
Category: Marketing Executive of the Year

Interop Tokyo 2020, Best of Show, Grand Prix

Keysight UHD100T32 100 Gigabit Ethernet (GE) test system
Grand Prix, Best of Show Award, Testing

Interop Tokyo 2020, Best of Show, Runner up, Testing

Keysight N4891A 400GBASE Forward Error Correction (FEC)-aware compliance test solution

2020 Just Capital Awards

Forbes and JUST Capital the leading corporate measurement platform for the stakeholder economy

Keysight Technologies | Industry leader #16

2019's Most Influential Corporate Directors

WomenInc. Magazine

Recognized for leadership to corporate brands and the technology industry

Keysight Technologies | Jean Halloran and Joanne Olsen

#18 in first annual 50 Best ESG (Environmental Social and Governance Value) Companies

According to IBD, companies with strong stocks and growth can also possess solid environmental, social and governance values. The 50 companies had the highest IBD Composite Ratings, reflecting broad strength in fundamental and technical areas linked to price performance.

Great Place to Work ® 2019

Great Place to Work is the global authority on high-trust, high-performance workplace cultures. Through proprietary assessment tools, advisory services, and certification programs, including Best Workplaces lists and workplace reviews, Great Place to Work provides the benchmarks, framework, and expertise needed to create, sustain, and recognize outstanding workplace cultures.

Keysight Technologies

50 Most Powerful Women in Technology

Marie Hattar

Senior Vice President, Chief Marketing Officer, Keysight

3 April 2019

Awarded by the National Diversity Council

Intel Announces 2018 Supplier Continuous Quality Improvement Awards

Eight companies were honored with Intel’s 2018 Supplier Achievement Award for specific recognition in one performance area. These companies provided outstanding contributions leading to a significant improvement for Intel business.

Keysight Technologies | The Supplier Achievement Award (SAA)

Awards Barrons 2019

Barrons 100 Most Sustainable U.S. Companies

The 100 Most Sustainable U.S. Companies 2019 is Barron's second annual ranking of companies based on hundreds of environmental, social and governance factors.

Keysight Technologies | #34 – Keysight Technologies

Cyber Security Vendor Achievement of the Year

Gold Winner: Ixia, a Keysight Business

4 February 2019

Info Security Product Guide

Best Security Hardware Product

Silver Winner: Vision ONE with Active SSL

4 February 2019

Info Security Product Guide
