
利用综合网络流量发生器最大限度地延长正常运行时间。 执行网络压力测试,验证网络服务质量(QoS);对应用执行负载测试,为应对需求高峰做好准备;确保员工和客户获得一致的用户体验。


Keysight IxChariot 的屏幕快照


在网络和应用部署前后对其进行评测和问题诊断。 作为网络流量发生器,Keysight IxChariot 可以跨越硬件和软件端点发送综合应用流量,对各种服务质量指标进行评测,包括比特率、数据包丢失、抖动、时延、平均意见得分和媒体传输质量指标。 穿越防火墙并执行网络压力测试,验证云、NFV 和混合网络的性能。



99% 的正常运行时间与 99.9999% 的优秀标准有着天壤之别。 对一个日历年度而言,那就是超过 87 个小时的停机时间与 30 秒的区别。 用户希望网络和应用始终随时可用。 如果网络或者应用出现问题,您的业务和声誉都会受到损失。

混沌工程是发现和解决不可预测情况和意外事件的关键。 阅读我们的手册,了解性能测试、负载测试以及混沌工程中的网络压力测试工具能够发挥什么重要作用,它们如何帮助您最大限度地延长正常运行时间并提高可靠性和可用性。


What is a network traffic generator?

Network traffic generators emulate real-world network and application traffic and inject it across websites and networks to stress test the network and measure performance metrics like load times, download rates, jitter, packet loss, and delay. These tools are essential for measuring network services, QoS, and user experience.

Typically, network traffic generators are used to test large-scale network deployments. Sometimes referred to as network assessment, common use cases include measuring service quality across distributed, hybrid networks and validating large-scale deployments like SD-WAN before going live.

What is performance testing?

Performance testing comprises a large subset of software quality assurance (QA) testing, including load testing, stress testing, volume testing, and scalability testing. Since these tests typically validate application clients, servers, networks and application devices against heavy traffic volumes, test automation is a prerequisite. These tests would be too time consuming to perform manually.

Performance testing tools simulate the actions of real users with efficient, low-overhead, and consistent virtual users (VUs). VUs enable QA test teams to quickly and repeatedly assess the performance of a system under test, resulting in shortened product cycles and improved user experience. Performance test suites often include powerful, easy-to-use tools that help testing teams create customized, dynamic VUs — enabling more complex and advanced testing where each VU has its own unique data and timings. Since users often take different paths across websites and applications, groups of VUs can run different scripts or workflows within the same test for greater real-world accuracy. By acting as an engine for coordinating the execution of dynamic and variable VUs, performance test tools simplify the process of deploying realistic tests against systems and environments under test.

What is load testing?

A specific subset of performance testing, load testing examines how applications, websites, and servers handle abnormally high traffic volumes. QA testers often run load tests before high-profile feature releases or high-traffic events like e-commerce sales or holidays to avoid website crashes and outages.

While load testing tools traditionally focus on generating application-layer traffic, Eggplant Performance is unique because it can also generate protocol-layer traffic. It acts as both a server and client, generating synthetic traffic loads to test websites and applications, network infrastructures, intermediate layers of N-tier architectures, and back-end equipment including routers and content-aware network devices.
