Network Digital Twin Technology for: Development, Analysis, Testing, and Cyber Assessment
EXata® software (EXata) is a tool for scientists, engineers, IT technicians, and communications specialists to create virtual models of all types of data, voice, and video networks. The models are comprised of nodes representing the network elements and endpoints (e.g. routers, switches, access points, ground stations, satellites, mobile phones, radios, sensors, PCs, servers, firewalls, and other security equipment) and the links that interconnect the nodes (e.g. LAN segments, internet circuits, radio transmissions, Wi-Fi signals, LTE connections, etc.).
The virtual network models are used by EXata to simulate the behavior of the network under a wide variety of user-defined operating scenarios and application traffic patterns at real-time speeds and with real-world fidelity, accuracy, and precision.
EXata enables virtual network models to integrate seamlessly with live hardware and applications via a system-in-the-loop emulation interface.
Using the optional Cyber Library for EXata, virtual network models can include cyber defense and cyber vulnerability components, and scenarios can incorporate a wide range of cyber attacks.
The EXata® Network Modeling Platform is used for:
• Research on protocols and waveforms
• Network design and architecture optimization
• Capacity prediction
• RF interference and propagation modeling
• Mission planning
• Early-stage device design comparisons
• Live applications performance analysis
• Disaster response preparation
• Hardware and software development
• Communications problem identification
• Live hardware testing and certification
• Equipment scalability evaluation
• Cyber resiliency assessment
Highly realistic virtual models of all types of data, voice, and video networks are utilized by the high-performance simulator to answer a wide range of what-if operational planning and problem solving scenarios, such as:
• Will the network design provide the necessary performance and application response time?
• What happens if key links get congested?
• Why are mobile systems losing connectivity in the rear of the warehouse?
• How can I leverage five live radios, interoperating with 500 virtual radios, into an effective mission rehearsal?
• How resilient is my information flow to cyber attacks like denial of service?
EXata supports engineers and planners who need to make networks work.
EXata Overview
EXata® software (EXata) is a platform used to design and analyze networks, networked systems, and distributed applications behavior. Virtual models of all types of network architectures and information flows are built on the platform using libraries of pre-defined and user-developed component models. There are two versions of the platform:
EXata Developer
• Design Mode: Create virtual network models (and create new protocol and waveform component models)
• Visualize Mode: Define and execute operational scenarios in simulation
• Analyzer: Process results and generate reports
• System-in-the-Loop: Emulation interface to integrate live hardware and applications with virtual network models