Boosting Phased Array Models: Power Amplifier Load Pull and Active Impedance


Creating Digital Twins of Phased Arrays


Recognizing and incorporating load pull and array active impedance effects on phased array performance using system-level behavioral simulation in System Design lays the foundation for creating a digital twin for a phased array design. Performance can be evaluated virtually, even for large arrays in complex missions with satellite and mobile kinetics modeled. Changes to deployed systems can be simulated before release, reducing risk and costs by deploying successfully on the first attempt.


For satellite communication designers, Keysight System Design with the W4815B Satellite bundle offers phased array simulators plus signal libraries for Satellite Comms, 5G, and Cellular. It includes a digital pre-distortion (DPD) kit and a Systems Tool Kit link to integrate mission scenario planning into System Design architectural models.


Keysight System Design and the W4503E element provide today's industry's most advanced design and simulation capability for phased arrays. Adding this capability to a workflow tightens the connection between circuit design and system architecture, with continuity for high-fidelity circuit-level models ensuring efficient and accurate system-level simulation. System architects are more productive and can confidently focus on exploring and optimizing phased array designs for their applications.