Enhanced Jitter Analysis Software - EZJIT Plus Software



RJ/DJ analysis separates a signal’s aggregate total jitter into random jitter (RJ) and deterministic jitter (DJ) components.When you separate the components, you can estimate peak-to-peak jitter values at very low bit error rate levels that would otherwise take too much time to measure directly. An additional benefit of this technique is that it helps you diagnose and understand the jitter’s underlying causes.


You can perform RJ/DJ jitter analysis using various products presently on the market. Some of these products perform their analysis on jitter measurements from time interval analyzers. Others use sampling oscilloscope jitter measurements or real-time oscilloscope jitter measurements. Unfortunately, this wide variety of RJ/DJ analysis products also provides a wide variety of reported results.


EZJIT Plus is an optional jitter analysis software package that supports Infiniium real-time oscilloscopes from Keysight Technologies, Inc., and it performs RJ/DJ analysis. EZJIT Plus software leverages the fast, accurate analysis methodology and familiar graphical interface of the Keysight’s DCA-J, which operates only on Keysight equivalent-time sampling oscilloscopes. This application note describes the use and theory of operation of the EZJIT Plus software.