Innovating on 6G with Artificial Intelligence


Today, the 6G standard is in the early phases. Candidate technologies are being researched, prototyped, and simulated to drive the direction of the 3GPP standards development activity. Applying digital twin workflows to simulations and pairing them with a prototype as it moves through the design phase opens up innovative ways to design and identify optimizations early. Modeling software tools that leverage as much real-world data as possible have the potential to solve significant challenges early by incorporating known insights from existing 5G deployments. Research testbeds will be critical to success if 6G aims to spur collaboration alongside innovation. The ability to prototype new AI, digital twin, and software-defined tools across the wireless ecosystem will provide significant results for applying those technologies wisely.


This eBook looks at the design densification and test challenges from migrating 5G communications into the 6G sub-Terahertz frequency ranges. Keysight Technologies, the sponsor of this eBook, presents end-to-end capabilities for simulating, testing, and evaluating devices, subsystems, and systems for the evolution of the 5G systems as they evolve towards 6G.


A new Keysight paper discusses leveraging AI-assisted digital twin design software for 6G physical layer research. Simulations show strong possibilities for improved performance and reduced computing burden compared with conventional techniques. Success with channel estimation and CSI feedback indicates similar AI-enabled approaches can apply to other signal chain pieces. While 6G waveforms and channel models continue to develop, the Keysight System Design software suite, 5G libraries, and companion tools are now here for research and exploration. Design engineering using digital twin software that leverages Keysight measurement science confidently produces the same results as hardware. By leveraging software-centric workflows to iterate and advance designs rapidly, it is already possible to integrate AI technology in 6G system architecture before future 3GPP specification releases.


We hope that this eBook will aid engineers in understanding the challenges ahead as 5G design challenges evolve towards 6G Research while highlighting the tools available to help overcome these challenges. We want to thank Keysight for sponsoring this eBook and offering it free to our audience. Keysight has all the tools needed to simulate and test your designs, many of which are covered in this educational eBook. Keysight is a leader in 6G technology, delivering market-leading design, emulation, and test solutions to help engineers develop and deploy faster, with less risk, throughout the entire product lifecycle to accelerate innovation that connects the world.