5 Network Security Threats You Need To Be Thinking About This Year
It’s time to get smart about protecting your data. Read on to discover why your network is at risk — and the practical steps you can take to secure it.
01 Software Security Flaws Are Far And Away The Largest Vulnerability
Last year saw a record number of security incidents — and software security flaws were responsible for most of them. From common spam attacks to automated remote exploitation, hackers exploited day-zero vulnerabilities relentlessly — spanning the full range of attack delivery.
The Lesson: Think Before You Deploy
Whether you’re installing new hardware or releasing a new patch or upgrade for your software system, make sure you research the CVE database and confirm fixes with vendors before you go live.
02 Your People Are Your Weakest Link
Sophisticated attacks may get all the headlines, but the easiest way for an attacker to breach your network is through your people. In fact, a well-timed phishing attempt can trick even the tech-savviest experts into compromising their network.
The Lesson: Get Smart
People make mistakes. But that doesn’t mean you can’t reduce them. Your best defense is a good offense — so make sure you’re employing technological aids, training, and timely reminders that can help your staff identify potential attacks before they fall prey to them.
03 Cyber Hygiene Is At An All-Time Low
There’s a good reason why hackers keep using the same attacks: they work. Well-known vulnerabilities like brute force attacking, EternalBlue, and CVE-2009-4140 are continually exploited because security personnel either don’t know the latest patches or don’t have the bandwidth to deploy them in a timely manner.
The Lesson: Know Your Enemy
Knowledge is power. Make sure your SecOps team is staying up to date on the latest public exploits (sites like mitre.org are a good place to start) and has ample time and support to shore up potential vulnerabilities.
04 Disclosing Security Vulnerabilities Is A Double-Edged Sword
Agile enterprises may move fast, but attackers are always one step ahead. And while sharing information about a zero-day vulnerability or security threat may initially seem wise, it’s worth remembering that hackers are listening too.
The Lesson: Loose Lips Increase Risk
Collaboration is critical, but carelessness can be catastrophic. So when you’re disclosing things like exploit information, make sure you’re talking to people you trust. Closed communities go a long way towards slowing attackers down — giving developers and enterprises valuable time to secure vulnerabilities before they get exploited en masse.
05 Crypto-Mining Reached An All-Time High Last Year — With No Signs of Slowing Down
Ransomware is so passé. With the meteoric rise of Bitcoin, attackers have found a new vector: mining for cryptocurrency. This low-risk, high-reward exploit involves automating the installation and distribution of miner malware — enabling hackers to build massive shadow networks dedicated to crypto-mining.
The Lesson: You Can't Secure What You Can't See
Packet data is the gold standard of threat intelligence, and anywhere you can’t capture it is a critical vulnerability. Attackers thrive in darkness. That’s why you need to eliminate network blind spots, so you can know the second someone starts crypto-mining on your network — hastening detection, identification, resolution, and prevention in one fell swoop.
2019 Security Report
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