Developing your next innovation requires specific test solutions, so why settle for generic promotional offers? For a limited time, take advantage of a wide range of promotions and bundles on select Keysight products and take control of how you save.

With the Choose How You Save Program, we give you the power to choose from over 20 offers across Keysight’s products — including oscilloscopes, signal analyzers/generators, network analyzers, and power supplies.

Whether you are looking for advanced measurement capabilities or high-performance test equipment, now you have the flexibility to choose the products and offers that best fit your unique test and measurement needs.

Oscilloscope, BERT, and AWG Offers

UXR0404A Infiniium UXR-Series Oscilloscope
Promotions and Offers

Software Bundles

Signal Analyzer and Signal Generator Offers

N9032B PXA Signal Analyzer

Network Analyzer Offers

PNA Microwave Network Analyzer

Power Supply and Semiconductor Device Parameter Analyzer Offers

E36155A 800W Autoranging Benchtop Power Supply

PCBA In-Circuit Test Offers

Keysight In-Circuit Test Promotions

Keysight Trade-In Offers

Trade in your underutilized Keysight and non-Keysight test and measurement equipment and get credit toward purchasing a new Keysight solution. Plus, take advantage of limited-time special offers—certain models qualify for exceptional trade-in credits!

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