Model Builder Program (MBP)Model Builder Program (MBP) 2014.04 Hotfix 1 includes a number of enhancements and fixes for known issues.

MBP 2014.04 Hotfix 1
Platform Filename Downloads Size
Linux (.tar) mbp2014_04_hf1_100_linux_x86.tar Download 409,722,880 bytes (390.7 MB)
Windows (.exe) MBP2014_04.hf1.exe Download 608,650,408 bytes (580.5 MB)

Note: MBP 2014.04 HF1 is a complete independent installer and does not require base release.

Refer to the MBP 2014.04 HF1 ReadMe (PDF, 309 KB) for details about enhancements and defect fixes included in this hotfix.

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