The table below list all of the ESA-E Series spectrum analyzer measurement personalities. Each of the measurement personalities has a link to the latest version of software. In order to run the measurement personality, a minimum firmware is required based on that specific software. Be sure to refer to this list whenever you intend on updating any of your instrument software.

ESA Firmware Revisions
Option Firmware  Latest Revision 
UE2 ESA Firmware A.14.06


ESA Software Application Revisions
Option Software Latest Version Minimum Firmware
None PowerSuite Utility A.06.05 A.12.00
219 Noise Figure A.01.07 A.12.00
225 Cable Fault Location B.01.04 A.07.01
226 Phase Noise Utility B.01.31 A.08.02
227 Cable TV A.02.08 A.07.06
228 Bluetooth™ A.02.06 A.09.00
229 Modulation Analysis A.02.02 A.08.04
231 ESA to 89601A Software Link A.02.00 A.08.04
252 EDGE Option to GSM/GPRS C.01.02 A.14.01
266 8566/68B Programming Compatibility A.02.11 A.14.00
290 8590-Series Programming Compatibility A.01.00 A.07.00
BAC cdmaOne A.02.03 A.07.02
BAH GSM/GPRS C.01.02 A.14.01
J35 FM Deviation B.01.02 A.07.05
J36 Flexible FM Deviation A.01.01 A.09.00