Resources for StudentsAs a University Student, your route to building skills with Keysight EEsof EDA products begins with your professor - who can contact the local Keysight EDA Field Engineer or our University Program Manager and participate in our Academic Licensing program at nominal cost to the University.

Student Licenses

The Keysight EEsof EDA Student License Program offers access to Keysight EDA tools for use on a student’s personal computer. These licenses allow students to access Keysight EDA tools anyplace and anytime. Students attending universities participating in the Keysight EEsof EDA University Educational Support Program can request licenses by completing and submitting the Student License Request form.

Advanced Design System ADS, SystemVue, Genesys, and EMPro licenses will be provided under this student license program. Use the Related Links panel to the right to download and install a current (or previous) software release. You can also find information on hotfixes, patches, and add-on software as well as installation and licensing instructions using these links.

Knowledge Center Access

Participants in our Academic Licensing program have access to our Knowledge Center. On the Knowledge Center login page, click the Register button to request an account. Use your university domain email address when requesting access. The Knowledge Center is an around-the-clock resource for comprehensive support information on technologies and solutions. It also contains product discussion forums that put you in touch with other users.

If you have questions or can’t find what you are looking for, please use the "Contact an Expert" link to submit your inquiry.

Additional Resources

Classroom Resources Support Resources

Videos on YouTube


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