If you have problems loading the application file into the oscilloscope, try the following:

1. Does the file on the floppy disk have the correct suffix? The oscilloscope will only recognize applications files that end in jzp

2. Is the application file on the floppy the correct size? Compare the size on the floppy with the file size on the web page. If not, download the file again.

3. Try loading the file onto a new floppy disk. The disk may have become corrupt.

4. If the scope will no longer power up, try turning the scope power off, insert the floppy disk into the scope drive, then press and hold the Save/Recall and Utility keys down while powering on the scope. The scope will try to read the application disk. If the scope is reading the disk, the Run/Stop and Single keys will alternately flash.

5. If all else fails, contact your Keysight service representative for help.