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- Click the download button.
- Run the setup program. After the installation process starts, follow the on-screen installation instructions.
- Requires a License
Installs on: PC / Instrument
- Windows 7
- Windows 10
- The application can be installed on an N1000A/86100D DCA-X oscilloscope or a PC (used to control a DCA-X or DCA-M oscilloscope)
- The application download is free and allows you to set up your test plan, but your N1000A/86100D DCA-X oscilloscope, or your PC, must have the N109256CB license and the FlexDCA interface in order to run the tests
- N1010A FlexDCA A.06.40 or newer
- N1000A/86100D DCA-X with N1060A/86108B (Integrated “One-Box” solution) - recommended
N1000A/86100D DCA-X with DCA module and external clock recovery
N109X Electrical DCA-M with external clock recovery
Refer to Data Sheet for full details