N6820ES Signal Surveyor 4D 软件下载
发布日期 | 版本 | 版本说明 |
2023-02-23 | 4.5.0 | See Suupporting Documentation, Release notes for details. |
发布日期 | 版本 |
2023-02-23 | 4.5.0 |
版本说明 |
See Suupporting Documentation, Release notes for details. |
N6820ES Surveyor 4D software provides automated spectrum monitoring ideal for survey, interference detection, signal classification, emitter location, and reporting. This page has downloads for the core Surveyor 4D software, associated extensions, and additional features.
N6820ES core software download includes capabilities based on standard hardware platforms, and licensed optional features (see below).
- N6820NBRE Narrowband recording feature
- N6820USDE Universal signal detection feature
- N6820MR1E Modulation recognition feature
- N6820EDFE Direction finding feature
- N6820SSYE Multi-system synchronization feature
N6820ES_Extensions software download offers a choice during installation to select from the following:
- Driver for the FieldFox hardware platform
- Driver for PXI receiver hardware platforms (N6820MTPE license required)
- Spectrum record and playback viewer
- PostgreSQL Visualizer application
N6820VRXE Virtual receiver platform driver is a licensed feature that enables the N6820ES software to connect to and play large pre-detected IQ files.
- Click on the download link N6820ES Surveyor 4D, Core software to download the core software.
- If needed, also download the N6820ES_Extensions software and N6820VRXE virtual receiver player software.
- Follow the on-screen instructions and save the executable file(s) to your computer hard drive.
- First, install the core N6820ES software. Then, install the N6820ES_Extensions. During the process, you are presented with a selection list of features and drivers to be installed.
- Follow the on-screen instructions to complete the installation. If asked to reboot, reboot and re-run installer until installation is completed.
- Wait until you see the message that the software has installed correctly.
- Requires a License
Installs on: PC
- Windows 10
- N6831A, N6841A, M9391A,M9393A,FieldFox RF/Microwave Analyzer
The N6820ES Surveyor 4D software provides automated spectrum monitoring, signal intercept, collection and classification. Ideal for interference and detection, identification, location and reporting. Optional software and RF Sensor hardware provide fast and accurate geolocation for targeted RF emitters.
N6820ES Surveyor 4D software Key Features:
- High-speed, high-resolution spectrum search
- Automated signal survey and classification tools
- Powerful triggering and masking functions
- Scheduled alarm functions and flexible tasking
- SQL database for long-term logging and analysis
- Built-in spectrum recorder
- Flexible multi-band search modes
- Geolocation with automatic tasking of RF Sensor networks
- Compliant with Recommendation ITU-R SM.1600 “Technical identification of digital signals”
- IQ capture and recording of RF signals
- The N6820ES software install is in two parts – the core software and the extensions. Both are needed to realize the full capability of the software.
- Click the Download button to download the core software
- Follow the on-screen instructions and save the executable file to your computer hard drive
- Then, Download the N6820ES_Extensions_.exe software. The link to this file is in the "Prerequisites" section of this page.
- Install the core N6820ES software first then install the N6820ES extensions.
- Right click on the executable files you downloaded above and select “Run as Administrator” to install.
- Follow the on-screen instructions to complete the installation. If asked to reboot, reboot and re-run installer until installation is completed.
- Wait until you see the message that the software has installed correctly.
- 要求具有许可证
安装到: PC
- Windows 10
- N6841A, M9391A,M9393A,FieldFox RF/Microwave Analyzer,N6850A Broadband Omnidirectional Antenna
The N6820ES Surveyor 4D software provides automated spectrum monitoring, signal intercept, collection and classification. Ideal for interference and detection, identification, location and reporting. Optional software and RF Sensor hardware provide fast and accurate geolocation for targeted RF emitters.
N6820ES Surveyor 4D software Key Features:
- High-speed, high-resolution spectrum search
- Automated signal survey and classification tools
- Powerful triggering and masking functions
- Scheduled alarm functions and flexible tasking
- SQL database for long-term logging and analysis
- Built-in spectrum recorder
- Flexible multi-band search modes
- Geolocation with automatic tasking of RF Sensor networks
- ITU-RSM.1600 Technical identification compliance
- IQ capture and recording of RF signals
- The N6820ES software install has been broken into two parts the core software and the extensions. Both files are required if you want the full capability of the software.
- Click the Download button to download the core software
- Follow the on-screen instructions and save the executable file to your computer hard drive
- Then, Download the N6820ES_Extensions_4.3.0.exe software. The link to this file is in the "Prerequisites" section of this page.
- Install the core N6820ES software first then install the N6820ES extensions.
- Right click on the executable files you downloaded above and select “Run as Administrator” to install.
- Follow the on-screen instructions to complete the installation. If asked to reboot, reboot and re-run installer until installation is completed.
- Wait until you see the message that the software has installed correctly.
- 要求具有许可证
安装到: PC
- Windows 7
- Window 10
- The N6854A Geolocation Server and N6841A RF Sensor Software, is not required if N6820ES is used with FieldFox or M9391A/M9393A
- The Geo/ RF Sensor software is only used when Signal Surveyor is used with the N6841A RF Sensor.
- The N6820ES Extension Software should be loaded last. (see Download Instructions and also Install Instructions).
- N6841A, M9391A and M9393A.
- 支持 M9393A PXIe 高性能矢量信号分析仪:50 GHz
- 基于 InstallShield 的新安装程序
- 位置告警任务增强
- 新的自动触发电平
- 增强型边沿检查
- 增强型回放功能
- 补丁用于纠正 OpenText eXceed 错误,这一错误可能会导致 GUI 剩余图像和碎片问题;
- 修复 2016 年 12 月 31 号的跳秒错误
- 修复定向搜索扫描比率
- 修复带宽计算问题,正确在通道 2 至 4 上检测能量
- 修复场强算法(算术运算错误)
- N6841A 射频传感器软件——当使用 N6820ES 软件和 N6841A 射频传感器时需要这个传感器管理软件: N6841A_2.1.0.exe(大小:584 MB)
- N6820ES 扩展软件——在安装 N6820ES 核心软件后,下载并安装这个要求的软件扩展:N6820ES_Exensions_4.2.0.exe(大小:1,723 MB)
- N6820ES 软件安装已经分成核心软件和扩展软件两部分。如果您需要软件的全部功能,那么必须同时安装这两个软件。
- 点击“下载”按钮下载核心软件。
- 按照屏幕提示进行操作,将可执行文件保存到您的计算机硬盘上。
- 然后下载 N6820ES_Extensions_4.2.0.exe 软件。本文件的链接在上面的版本说明中提供。
- 首先安装 N6820ES 核心软件,然后安装 N6820ES 扩展软件。
- 右击下载的可执行文件,并选择“以管理员身份运行”开始安装。
- 根据屏幕上的提示完成安装。如果需要重启,请重启仪器并重新运行安装程序,直至安装结束。
- 等待,直到您看到消息表示软件已正确安装。
- 要求具有许可证
M9391A hardware support, Matlab SQL visualization tools, Windows 10 support
- Click the Download button
- Follow the on-screen instructions and save the executable file to your computer hard drive
- Right click on the executable file you downloaded above and select “Run as Administrator” to install
- Follow the on-screen instructions to complete the installation. If asked to reboot, reboot and re-run installer until installation is completed
- 要求具有许可证
安装到: PC
- Windows 8
- Windows 7
- Window 10
Requires N6841A RF Sensor Software, Version 2.0.6
- N6841A, M9391A
支持多个窄带通道。窄带记录,通用信号检测和窄带确认,新的通用信号检波器,用户界面的多方面改进。需要使用 N6841A 软件 2.0.5 版本。
- 如果要求重启,请重启并重新运行安装程序直至安装结束。
- 要求具有许可证
Download the installer and then run the downloaded file
- If asked to reboot, reboot and re-run installer until installation is completed.
- 要求具有许可证
Download the installer and then run the downloaded file
- 无此信息
- 要求具有许可证