N7800A Test Management Environment

发布日期 版本 版本说明
2025-03-05 E.04.06 - DB Migration tool fix for running on a 32-bit system. - Data Usage Analyzer fix for large number of orders. - Support for import of new E9304A H99 calibration data files.
发布日期 版本
2025-03-05 E.04.06
Version Description
- DB Migration tool fix for running on a 32-bit system. - Data Usage Analyzer fix for large number of orders. - Support for import of new E9304A H99 calibration data files.


  • Close all applications.
  • Download application .exe file to the PC desktop.



  • Requires a License
    To obtain a key contact your local Keysight Technologies Sales Representative.


Installs on:  PC


  • Minimum Hardware Requirements to Run TME N7800A Platform Software

    • PC Hardware (Check N7800A Application’s ReadMe file for specific requirements)
    • Additional software (Check N7800A Application’s ReadMe file for specific requirements)


  • GPIB card  or Converter (One of the following cards or converter must be installed prior to installing this application):
  • IO Libraries (One of the following IO libraries must be installed prior to installing this application) Minimum versions:
  • * Keysight IO Library can be downloaded from the website: http://www.Keysight.com/find/iosuite
    ** National Instruments Visa library and drivers can be downloaded from the website: http://www.ni.com/

