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OSA Passive Component Test Application
To make writing a specification set easier, we've created a Microsoft® Excel Wizard.
What is a specification set?
Specification sets are files that program the Passive Component Test application, supplied with the Keysight 8614X Series Optical Spectrum Analyzers, to perform a measurement. Each specification set defines one test.
How can I easily write specification sets?
You can simplify the writing of specification sets using the Microsoft® Excel template, pct_wizard.xlt. The template features a pull-down menu and setup wizard to automate the generation of specification sets.
Choose the PCT Wizard download and follow these simple directions for downloading:
The PCT Wizard download is for Microsoft Windows systems only. To download the PCT Wizard:
- Create a folder c:\osa\pct\ on your local PC.
- Download and save the pct_wizard.exe to the c:\osa\pct directory. This is a self-extracting archive. To extract the files, from Windows Explorer, double-click on pct_wizard.exe.
- Four files are extracted:
readme.txt - A text file of the instructions shown on this web page.
pct_wizard.xlt - The Excel Wizard used to write specification sets.
pct_wizard.dll - The driver file required to run the PCT Wizard.
pcthelp.pdf - Instructions for using the PCT Wizard and a brief tutorial. This file can be viewed and printed using Adobe Acrobat. If you do not have the Adobe Acrobat Reader necessary for viewing PDF documentation, download your free Acrobat Reader now. Acrobat Reader - Move pct_wizard.dll to the c:\windows\system directory.
- Make a backup copy of pct_wizard.xlt and store it in a safe place.
- To view the help file and tutorial, from Windows Explorer, double click on help.pdf.
- To open Excel and start the Wizard, from Windows Explorer, double click on pct_wizard.xlt.
- To remove all files and the PCT Wizard from your PC, delete the folder c:\osa\pct and all its contents. Delete the file pct_wizard.dll from the c:\windows\system directory.
发布日期 | 版本 | 版本说明 |
2001-10-31 | n/a | OSA Passive Component Test Application |
发布日期 | 版本 |
2001-10-31 | n/a |
Version Description |
OSA Passive Component Test Application |
- See Above
- See Above
- Does Not Require a License