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PNA Series Service Applications
Direct Connect Millimeter Wave Macro
This macro allows users to set up the FOM on a PNA-X to directly control a set of frequency extenders without using a millimeter wave head controller. The user can set up the millimeter wave frequency bands as well as the frequency multiplication number being used. In addition, you can set the IF frequency and power applied to each of the frequency extenders. Different power settings may also be set for the RF and LO signals applied to each frequency extender. Copy the downloaded file to any location on the PNA, then execute it. It will then create this directory: C:\Program Files\Keysight\Network Analyzer\Applications\mmwave. In this directory you will find the macro "mmWave.exe". Refer to the PNA Help for information on setting up and using macros. Version Date: Jun 16, 2015.
USB Sensor Display Utility
This utility will display the power sensor readings of up to 2 USB sensors on the PNA display without the need to install any drivers and without the use of the N1918A or Power Panel software. The display is kept small so as not to interfere with viewing the PNA data. The setup screen allows the user to pick the averaging, display mode (dBm or Watts), update rate, startup position, and frequency (for correction factor.) The user can also choose to perform an internal zero. This is best used as a macro and as such, it also supports several arguments that can be specified in the macro setup. To see these arguments, click on the Help button (the button labeled: '?'.) This utility works with the U200x and U848x series of USB power sensors and will run on any PNA (or PC!) that has Keysight IO Libraries version M (13) or above. Firmware A.10.00 or greater is needed. Rev: A.01.03.
If this is to be used on a PC, download the PC version and read the included instructions text file.
Cal Kit Editor
This Cal Kit editor can be installed on a PC and used to enter or import cal kits without the need for a PNA. Once entered or modified, the kits can then be transferred to the PNA. In addition to being able to import 8510/8753/872x Cal kits with little or no modification needed, this new version also supports the new '.xkt' XML cal kit file format. It uses an interface similar to that used in the PNA, so the learning curve is minimal. Please note that '.ckt' files saved by this new version of this editor will only function for PNAs with Firmware A.07.50 and above. It includes data-based standards capabilities. Refer also to the PNA Help file for instructions.
Data Logger Utility
DataLogging2, version A.03.01, updated June 2021 works with PNA as well as with M9375xA, P9375xA, M908xA, and P500xA. Due to new firmware capability, this latest version of the data logger program has more flexibility in the choice of saved formats and number of traces saved. This program requires PNA firmware A.09.90 or above; if this is not available, use the Version 1 program instead. The "footswitch" trigger, which does not exist on newer PNAs, has been replaced with Material Handler line 'Port C3' (see instructions).
DataLogging1, version A.01.25, updated Oct 2018. This utility allows a user to automatically store trace data over long periods of time on the PNA itself or on a PC. The save trigger-event can be at end of every sweep, at specified time intervals, or upon an external TTL input. The data can be stored as SnP files (S1P, S2P, S3P ,S4P) for any S-parameter measurement. It can also store up to 4 formatted traces of any measurement (or more using CITIfile format.) It can also store graphical data. All text data can be merged into one large file, instead of individual files. While active, this program will display a counter showing the total number of traces saved. It now supports command line arguments and MDF format! This version requires firmware rev A.04.00 to A.09.20.
Speed Test
This utility is designed to measure sweep and data transfer speeds using COM/DCOM (GPIB is not supported.) The user can choose sweep cycle time, data transfer time, or a combination of both. Data can be transferred in Real32 or Variant formats, and either scalar or complex data can be selected. The user can select the start/stop frequencies, bandwidth, and number of points, as well as the number of loops to perform (more loops gives slightly better timing accuracies.) While designed mainly for S-Parameters, you can measure many other configurations by manually setting up the VNA and then selecting "Use Existing Setup". The program can run on either an external PC or the PNA itself. A small help screen is provided.
Speedtest4 is the latest version, and it supports the FIFO mode. PNA firmware A.08.40 or above is required, and it also works on the PXI VNA, but only when run from the chassis' controller. If running this from a PC instead of on the analyzer itself, you must make sure the same user name and password is used on both the PNA and PC. If this will not be the case, then download and execute the speedtest4.reg registry modification file on the PC. This will allow the program to run on any PNA without getting a Permission Denied error.
Speedtest_old.exe requires firmware A.06.04 to A.09.90. Note: If running from a PC, the PC may need the file mschrt20.ocx. Place this ocx file into the PC's Windows\System32 or the Windows\SysWOW64 directory, if using a 64-Bit system, and register it by executing this command: regsvr32 mschrt20.ocx.
ECal Module Security Wipe for the PNA, PXI VNA, and PC
In high security areas, ECal modules may pose a security risk since it may contain sensitive user data if an ECal characterization has ever been performed. To erase this data, an ECal Data Wipe Utility has been developed which will destroy all user data per US DoD 5220.22-M. This program will also allow you to save and recall all user characterizations to a hard drive.
Version 4.20 works with the newer N469xD and N755x ECals. This utility can be run on a PC or on the PNA/PXI. This 64-bit application requires Windows 7 or Windows 10. If it is run on the PNA, it is best to exit the PNA application to ensure there are no resource conflicts. Download this zipped folder which contains both the program and the required library. Put these files in the same directory on the host machine.
The older 32-bit version of the ECal security wipe program for Windows XP is no longer supported. If you need to run the ECalWipe utility on an older N524xA model with Windows XP, please upgrade the operating system to Windows 7.
Attenuator Exerciser
This utility will cycle all sections of all attenuators 5 times each. This is mostly useful on older units that can develop stuck sections if the attenuator is not used occasionally. The PNA application automatically does a single cycle on startup. While this 3-5 second exercise can be executed manually, it is mostly designed to be automatically called via a macro command. When called by this method you can also add the command line switch of "/L xx" where xx is the number of cycles to be performed; the default value is 5. The program will preset the instrument, so don't call it if you have any power sensitive devices connected! Place this small executable in any convenient location on the PNA.