安装 InfiniiVision 2000 X 系列示波器固化软件
是德对 InfiniiVision X 系列示波器固化软件进行定期更新,以提供最新特性、采纳客户建议并确保适当的功能。如欲了解有关新特性和更新内容的详情,请查看发布说明。您必须更新固化软件方可使用新特性。
要想查看示波器当前的固化软件版本,请按下前面板的 [Help] 键,然后按下 About Oscilloscope 功能键。
- 将文件存放到 U 盘,并将该 U 盘连接到示波器,按下 [Utility] > File Explorer,选择该文件,然后按下 Load File。
- 如果示波器已联网:可将文件存放在计算机上,访问示波器的 Web 界面(查看《用户指南》获取详情),点击 Instrument Utilities,选择 Firmware Version,浏览并选择该文件,然后点击 Install。
更新示波器的固化软件之后,请检查其校准状态:按下 [Utility] > Service > User Cal Status。如果显示“Results: OK”,那么您无需进行重新校准。如果需要校准,请按下Start User Cal功能键。
发布日期 | 版本 | 版本说明 |
2024-02-01 | 2.66 | This is the firmware for the 2000 X-Series oscilloscopes. The VNC server software for the remote front panel functionality is no longer bundled with the oscilloscope firmware by default. Upgrading to this version of firmware will not delete the VNC server software from the oscilloscope; however, new or repaired oscilloscopes may not have the VNC server software installed. In this case, the oscilloscope's Browser Web Control page will provide a link for downloading the VNC server software. |
发布日期 | 版本 |
2024-02-01 | 2.66 |
版本说明 |
This is the firmware for the 2000 X-Series oscilloscopes. The VNC server software for the remote front panel functionality is no longer bundled with the oscilloscope firmware by default. Upgrading to this version of firmware will not delete the VNC server software from the oscilloscope; however, new or repaired oscilloscopes may not have the VNC server software installed. In this case, the oscilloscope's Browser Web Control page will provide a link for downloading the VNC server software. |
Click the download button and save the file to a USB flash drive or to a temporary directory on your computer.
CAUTION: If your oscilloscope’s software version is prior to 2.41, you will need to change the suffix of the upgrade file from .ksx to .cab. Do not “unpack” or “unzip” the renamed .cab upgrade file; you could potentially load only a portion of the required files in the package, and this could result in your oscilloscope becoming non-operational, requiring it to be sent to a Keysight service center to be repaired.
If you are unable to SAVE the file, please try a different browser or contact us for help.
To update your oscilloscope's firmware, do one of the following:
- Place the file on a USB flash drive, connect it to the oscilloscope, press [Utility] > File Explorer, select the file; then, press Load File.
- If your oscilloscope is on the network: you can place the file on your computer, access the oscilloscope's Web Interface (see the User's Guide for details), click Instrument Utilities, select Firmware Version, browse to select the file; then, click Install.
After your oscilloscope's firmware is updated, check the calibration status: press [Utility] > Service > User Cal Status. If "Results: OK" is displayed, you do not need to recalibrate. If calibration is required, press the Start User Cal softkey.
- 不要求具有许可证
安装到: Instrument
- 无此信息
- DSOX2002A, DSOX2004A, DSOX2012A, DSOX2014A, DSOX2022A, DSOX2024A, MSOX2002A, MSOX2004A, MSOX2012A, MSOX2014A, MSOX2022A, MSOX2024A