This program enables you to copy calibration data to another channel. The other parameters are not copied. This program is a beneficial when you would like to evaluate a device with more than two measurement channels. By using this sample program, you don't have to perform calibration many times because you can copy calibration data. This means that you can measure a device with the same calibration data and get the same results from each channel.

NOTE: You can not edit the source code of this program. The VBA program is protected.

Revision Number

Operating Conditions
Firmware rev.A.02.xx / rev.A.03.xx

Install Procedures
Step1.Download the "Copy_CAL.vba" file.
Step2.Save the "Copy_CAL.vba " to a floppy disk.
Step3.Copy the "Copy_CAL.vba " to the D drive of your ENA