Accurately characterize your Gbit systems, devices and components. The Keysight 71612A Error Performance Analyzer addresses applications for high speed digital testing up to 12 Gb/s, including R&D and manufacturing test of lightwave components and sub-assemblies, advanced computer technology and high-capacity communication systems.
The analyzer operates from 1 to 12 Gb/s and will operate down to 100 Mb/s with a clock-source extension. Features include high quality waveforms, versatile triggering, and sufficient memory for running multiple SONET and SDH frames at OC-192/STM-64. Use error location analysis to help identify the cause of pattern-dependent errors.
Powerful application software to speed measurement time. The Keysight E4543A Q Factor and Eye Contour application software is designed to simplify the characterization of high speed optical communication links, automatically calculating the Q figure of merit.
Adaptable application software for full functional testing. The Keysight E4544A OC-192/STM-64 application software automatically constructs SONET/SDH frames for functional test of network elements. Features including error and alarm generation plus CID stressing patterns.
Frequency range: Pattern generator, error detector 100 MHz to 12 GHz
Test patterns: PRBS 2^31 - 1, 2^23 - 1, 2^15 - 1, 2^10 - 1, 2^7 - 1, User-defined (max) 8 Mbit via 3-1/2 inch disk (MS-DOS®* format)
Zero substitution: Pattern length 2^13, 2^11, 2^10, 2^7
Variable mark density ratio on patterns 2^13, 2^11, 2^10, 2^7 STM-64 and STS-192