The Keysight Beam Manipulator family of products (N1203C, N1204C, N1207C and N1206T) precisely bend or translate a laser beam to achieve sub-nanometer measurements. They align laser beams quickly and easily in order to reduce measurement errors. These products are usually used in combination to provide precise, independent, stable control over beam translation and angle. The precise bending and translating results in a properly aligned laser beam, minimizes Abbé and cosine errors and ensures maximum angular measurement range.
The N1204C and N1207C Precision Beam Benders, described on this page, contain a mirror at the center of a metal ball inside a precision optical mount. The benders precisely angle the beam, with a large degree of freedom around 90 degrees, without translating the beam. These components are used primarily to reduce cosine errors.
The N1207C, described on this page, bends the beam vertically.
The N1204C bends the beam horizontally: Precision Horizontal Beam Bender
The N1203C Precision Beam Translator contains a refracting window at the center of a metal ball inside a precision optical mount. The translator precisely moves the outgoing beam parallel to the incoming beam without changing the angle. It is the component used primarily to reduce Abbé errors. Precision Beam Translator
Removable tooling allows fast and easy alignment. Once the adjustment is completed and tools removed, the precision mounts provides long-term stability of the setting over specified temperature, shock and vibration. Individual tools can be purchased separately. Adjustment Tool Kit
- Precision verical beam bender for system alignment ease and reduction of Abbé and cosine errors
- First measured resonance at 3.5kHz
- Thermally and mechanically stable.
- Can withstand temperature change of 20 degree C
- Six input/output ports and one mounting face.
- Adjustment tools attached at any of 10 access ports