Characterize RF components using multi-tones and deep notches with connection to signal generator for Noise Power Ratio (NPR) measurement

  • Characterize RF components using multi-tones and deep notches to make Noise Power Ratio (NPR) measurement
  • Tones phase can be defined with phase type as zero phase, random phase, or parabolic phase. You can also import a notch user pre-defined table as MTD files (*.mtd)
  • Measurement results including signal power, worst NPT, NPR reference power, frequency error, notch metrics with offset frequency, integration bandwidth, NPR, peak power, peak frequency etc.
  • Support Keysight X-Series Signal Generators N5186A with valid license E7621APPC or VXG Microwave Signal Generator with valid license N7621APPC for multi-tones and notches signal generation
  • Keysight supports tiered X-app models with N-models for UXA/PXA/PXE, E-models for MXA/EXA/MXE/VXT. The higher tiered X-app models can run at the lower platforms, which means N-models can run on all platforms, and E-models can only run on MXA/EXA/MXE/VXT
  • Use multi-touch user interface and SCPI remote interface
  • Extend test assets with transportable, USB portable, or floating licenses between X-Series signal analyzers

