是德科技提供丰富的培训套件,旨在帮助教育工作者快速开设新的工科课程和实验课程,包括物联网(IoT)、射频电路设计、精密功率测量等主题。 培训套件将提供整个学期的现成教学素材,其中包括 50 小时的实验课程。 课件将以现实中的应用场景为基础,讲授行业相关的实操经验,实现理论与实践紧密结合的教学。



U3815A IoT Wireless Communication and Compliance, with Training Kit and Lab Sheet

U3815A IoT Wireless Communication and Compliance, with Training Kit and Lab Sheet

Keysight’s ready-to-teach Advanced IoT courseware is designed to assist educators in quickly setting up new engineering courses and lab on the Internet of Things.

DSOXBODE Bode Plot Training Kit

DSOXBODE Bode Plot Training Kit

The DSOXBODE Bode plot training kit helps train engineering students and others on the basics of frequency response analysis measurements (gain & phase Bode plots).

U3818A IoT Precision Power Measurement and MEMS Sensors with Training Kit, Teaching Slide and Lab Sheets

U3818A IoT Precision Power Measurement and MEMS Sensors with Training Kit, Teaching Slide and Lab Sheets

Keysight’s ready-to-teach Advanced IoT courseware is designed to assist educators in quickly setting up new engineering courses and lab on the Internet of Things.

U3817A IoT Precision Power Measurement and MEMS Sensors with Training Kit and Lab Sheet

U3817A IoT Precision Power Measurement and MEMS Sensors with Training Kit and Lab Sheet

Keysight’s ready-to-teach Advanced IoT courseware is designed to assist educators in quickly setting up new engineering courses and lab on the Internet of Things.

U3813A IoT System Design and Validation Fundamentals, with Training Kit and Lab Sheet

U3813A IoT System Design and Validation Fundamentals, with Training Kit and Lab Sheet

Keysight’s ready-to-teach Advanced IoT courseware is designed to assist educators in quickly setting up new engineering courses and lab on the Internet of Things.

U3814A IoT System Design Courseware with Training Kit

U3814A IoT System Design Courseware with Training Kit

U3814A IoT System Design Courseware with IoT Training Kit is designed to assist educators in quickly setting up engineering courses and IoT lab.

U3816A IoT Wireless Communication and Compliance, with Training Kit, Teaching Slide and Lab Sheet

U3816A IoT Wireless Communication and Compliance, with Training Kit, Teaching Slide and Lab Sheet

Keysight’s ready-to-teach Advanced IoT courseware is designed to assist educators in quickly setting up new engineering courses and lab on the Internet of Things.

U3851A 射频微波电路设计、仿真与测量课件,5G NR n3

U3851A 射频微波电路设计、仿真与测量课件,5G NR n3

U3851A 射频微波电路设计课件可以帮助学生学习如何端到端地设计射频产品,全面掌握从仿真到原型构建以及验证等知识。

Y1801A RF Principles and Measurements Teaching Slides

Y1801A RF Principles and Measurements Teaching Slides

Access more than 400 editable Microsoft PowerPoint slides, covering 45 hours of teaching for one full semester
