Secure Your 5G Device Development with Advanced Security Testing

Because 5G technology connects nearly everyone and everything — including massive ecosystems of autonomous IoT devices that power critical infrastructure, communications, and more — it’s essential these foundational networks are protected against rising security threats. Data confidentiality is also a key concern, even as 5G developers continue to make advances that support it. Multi-access Edge Computing (MEC) services, lawful interception functionality, and the proliferation of new APIs, devices, and services for consumers.

To stay on top of this rapidly evolving and complex technology, count on Keysight to incorporate a vision for security at the earliest development stages that will help protect your company’s reputation and minimize data and financial loss. Using our 15-plus years of experience in device security evaluation, we’ll integrate 5G security best practices to facilitate your workflows. With our cutting-edge equipment, such as device interfacing and network simulation tools, we can test your device for current and future security threats.

Why Evaluate 5G Security with Keysight?

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Reduce third-party risk

Employ white and black box device testing to detect back doors and vulnerabilities. Combine your 5G security evaluation with functional interface testing.

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Simulate real network conditions

Prepare security test beds that thoroughly test your devices to pinpoint vulnerabilities that could harm your reputation and lead to costly delays or rework.

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Get independent validation

Get a detailed report from an independent test lab for your 5G security solution to demonstrate a strong commitment to protecting confidential customer data.

Interested in this service? Reach out to learn more.
