How to Characterize ADC and VCO

Advanced Low Noise Power Source
+ Advanced Low Noise Power Source

Characterizing ADC and VCO with a clean and stable power source

Characterizing analog-to-digital converters (ADCs) and voltage-controlled oscillators (VCOs) requires a clean and stable power source to meet the stringent characterization requirements. From managing power supply noise to addressing voltage regulation and ground loop issues, the complex interplay between power and precision is a constant concern. Test engineers require low-noise precision power sources that can also support four-wire measurements for more accurate results.

DC converter circuits and VCO applications require power sources with at least 20 bits of resolution and noise floors of 10 µV root mean square (RMS) or less. In addition, test engineers may need to generate a wide variety of clean arbitrary waveforms in either voltage or current from 1 MHz up to 10 kHz for low-frequency applications. An interactive graphical user interface (GUI) and built-in graphing capability can reduce the need for PC-controlled systems in the lab environment.

The ADC and VCO characterization solution

The ADC and VCO characterization solution

Characterizing ADC and VCO requires a low-noise precision power source to meet challenging measurement requirements and additional capabilities to reduce test time. The Keysight power source ensures a clean and stable low-noise source. The solution offers versatility, a 6.5-digit sourcing resolution, and a wide bipolar output range. The power source can source a variety of voltage and current waveforms in either DC or pulsed mode. This platform is suitable for many applications beyond what conventional DC power supplies can manage. The solution also offers programmable output resistance, voltage, and current emulation capabilities that can supply up to ±210 V of voltage, up to ±3 A of current (DC), and up to ±10.5 A of current (pulsed).

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