How to Increase RF Power Amplifier Production Throughput

Signal Analyzer
+ Signal Analyzer

Reducing RF power amplifier test time with signal processing techniques

Testing power amplifiers (PA) in a manufacturing environment requires manufacturers to address critical issues: speed, repeatability, cost, maintainability, and upgradability. The addition of emerging technologies such as envelope tracking and digital pre-distortion in PAs has prompted manufacturers to add additional testing setups for testing PA power efficiency and linearity. Reducing overall test time requires manufacturers to employ fast power servo loop processing and fast signal processing techniques. In high-speed measurements of power and adjacent-channel power ratio (ACPR), the test engineer sets the RF input power level to the device under test, compares it with the RF output, and adjusts the input level until it achieves the correct output power level.

By using a PXIe vector transceiver with a built-in field-programmable gate array (FPGA) and pre-programmed servo routine, the engineer can save time by performing quick iterations programmatically. In fast signal processing techniques, an engineer optimizes the waveform length by trimming it to just longer than the measurement power acquisition time and constantly measuring at the same point within the waveform to minimize the wait time for the subsequent acquisition.

PXIe VNA Power Amplifier Production

RF power amplifier manufacturing test solution

Reducing the overall RF PA test time requires a built-in power servo loop and real-time fast Fourier transforms (FFTs) in the transceiver setup. The Keysight VXT PXIe vector transceiver combines a 12 GHz vector signal generator and vector signal analyzer in a two-slot PXIe module, supporting 5G testing with a 1.2 GHz signal bandwidth. The built-in servo routine enhances throughput in manufacturing tests for wireless components and IoT devices.

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