How to Test for EV V2G Compliance

Regenerative 3‑Phase AC Emulator
+ Regenerative AC Emulator

Accelerating V2G compliance testing with a grid emulator and software test automation

Electric vehicle (EV) and EV supply equipment (EVSE) manufacturers incorporating vehicle-to-grid technology (V2G) need to keep up with distributed energy resource (DER) grid certification and compliance requirements. Before connecting to the grid, they must test to and comply with multiple standards.

Each country or region takes a different approach to standards development, and grid code requirements can vary by utility. Automated and updatable software, combined with a high-power grid emulator, can ensure you are testing against all the required DER standards and speed time to certification.

Battery Life testing of Low-power Devices

V2G compliance test solution

Achieving V2G compliance with the various mandates set by grid interconnection standards organizations (including UL 1741 SB / SC and IEEE 1547.1-2020) requires testing in a simulated environment. Keysight has developed an updatable, automated grid pre-compliance solution to ensure you are testing against the latest, most comprehensive grid standards. The Keysight AC regenerative emulator and test automation software help you prepare for testing with grid compliance test houses worldwide.

The Keysight automated grid pre-compliance / compliance solution reduces the time to certification for DER manufacturers. The solution includes the Keysight AC / grid test sequencing software automation tool. It works in conjunction with the high-performance execution engine embedded in our advanced, high-power-density regenerative AC emulator.

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