Verifying frequency mixer performance under wideband, modulated signal stimulus conditions requires linearity and network analysis measurements using calibrated signals. A comprehensive test setup, which includes a vector network analyzer (VNA), vector signal generator (VSG), and various instrument software applications, facilitates a wide range of measurements while simplifying the overall test configuration. Critical performance measurements include conversion gain, loss, noise figure, and residual error vector magnitude (EVM).
The VSG provides the necessary modulated signal in this setup, while the VNA utilizes a secondary internal source to generate a local oscillator. The VNA achieves precise measurements by applying vector-error correction and advanced calibration techniques. Additionally, the VNA hosts all the software applications needed to conduct conversion gain and loss, noise figure, and low residual EVM measurements, enabling robust frequency mixer performance verification with a single setup.
Verifying frequency mixer performance under modulated signal stimulus requires linearity and network analysis measurements. Keysight’s MXG signal generator, ENA-X network analyzer, and software applications for noise figure, modulation distortion, and vector and scalar mixer measurements, create a comprehensive test setup. This setup provides the necessary wideband signals and measurement accuracy through vector and source calibration.
The network analyzer’s integrated upconverter allows the modulated signal from the signal generator to reach a maximum frequency of 44 GHz. The VNA simplifies the measurement setup while delivering vector-corrected noise figure data by leveraging integrated low-noise receivers and applying the cold source method. The VNA’s wide dynamic range and vector error correction deliver extremely low-residual error vector magnitude (EVM) data, allowing a thorough assessment of the frequency mixer’s performance without interference from the test system. The vector and scalar mixer measurement software enables fully calibrated conversion gain and loss measurements without reference or calibration mixers.
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